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dentist writing up a script

Nestling into the dentist’s chair, you may wonder, “Will my insurance cover sedation?”

We are here to guide you through the web of coverage. Get insights and discover the options you have. Let’s explore the intricacies of dental insurance coverage for sedation services.

Does Insurance Cover Dental Sedation?

Insurance coverage for dental sedation can vary depending on the following factors:

  • The type of sedation
  • The purpose of the procedure
  • Your specific insurance plan

Do you need sedation to undergo a particular dental procedure? Do you need to know whether your insurance will cover the costs? Specific policy stipulations apply. Your insurance may only cover some dental services but decline dental sedation.

Sedation dentistry may require you to source alternative funding. If you want to move forward with treatment, there are ways you can still receive the care you need. Your dentist can recommend other payment methods — they may have financing options or alternative plans to help you stay within your budget.

Exceptions for Dental Sedation Coverage

Sedation may lower the overall cost of dental treatment — if you are sedated, your dental work may be completed faster, lowering the fee if you are charged by the amount of time you’re sedated for. Keep in mind that the coverage will likely only be partial in nature.

Additionally, getting coverage may be easier if you get light or moderate sedation. In that case, dental insurance companies may offer an exception.

If you have a severe medical condition that may hinder dental treatment or make procedures more challenging if you’re not under sedation, you may also qualify. The following medical conditions may qualify you for coverage:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Autism
  • Cognitive disabilities
  • Epilepsy

Finally, if your treatment is complex, coverage can be more likely. That includes:

  • Oral surgery
  • Advanced tooth extractions

Our Insurance Coverage: A Bridge to Peace of Mind

At Dr. Nahel Yanni’s practice, we understand the importance of insurance in alleviating financial stress. We welcome various dental coverage plans and aim to optimize oral health.

We accept virtually all insurances classified as:

  • Preferred provider organization
  • Prescription drug plan
  • Primary care provider

Our commitment involves offering competitive fees for our range of services. Coupled with insurance benefits, you can access essential oral health care at a pocket-friendly rate. If you don’t have insurance, learn about our “No Problem” plan, which offers a percentage off dental services and other perks.

Reach out to us today to discuss your dental sedation insurance coverage possibilities.