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Sedation Dentist in East Brunswick

Dr. Nahel Yanni. Doctor of dental surgery (DDS) in East Brunswick, NJ.In 1994, Dr. Yanni graduated from the University of Cairo at the age of 20 with his BDS degree. For three years, he practiced dentistry in Egypt. After moving to the United States, he enrolled at the University of Southern California, where he graduated in 2001. He graduated with honors in progressive orthodontics and successfully completed educational requirements to receive his DDS degree. Dr. Yanni remained in California for two years in private practice but moved in December of 2003 after acquiring his own practice in New Jersey. Continuing his education, he graduated from NYU’s Maxi and Implantology course in 2007. Most recently, Dr. Yanni was awarded Associate Fellowship of American Academy of Dentistry in August 2011.

Dr. Yanni is Co-Founder of The Kampala Children’s Center in Kampala, Uganda. At the center, Dr. Yanni treats and provides dental care to the orphaned children of Kampala for two weeks each year. Since beginning his charitable work, Dr. Yanni has treated more than 1,000 child patients. For these children, he provides preventative dental care and oral examinations, including treatment for cavities and other oral conditions. Dr. Yanni’s charity to the Center ensures these children benefit from proper cleanings, fillings, and other preventative oral care procedures. To read more about the Kampala Children’s Center, here.

  • Graduate of Surgical Implant Residency University of Puerto Rico – 2014
  • Associate Fellowship of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry – 2011
  • Graduated with honors Progressive Orthodontics – 2011
  • Graduated Cairo University – 1994
  • Graduated University of Southern California – 2001
  • Graduated NYU Maxi course in Implantology – 2007
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We’re Ready to Provide You with Comfortable Dental Care